On your Android device, accept the prompt to transfer the file. In the window that opens, select your Android device, then select Next. Right-click the image and select Send to > Bluetooth device. In File Explorer, navigate to the location of the edited photo, then select the file. Select Start, and type File Explorer in the Search box. Your storage allocation will change after the 30 days, or you can remove all files from the bin beforehand.You can easily send the edited version of the image back to your Android device: The photos will be automatically removed in 30 days.

You will need to do this for each device you have configured before moving to Step 2. It is critical that you also change your Google account on Google Photos on any computer or mobile device to use your personal account rather than your University account.

Step 1: Change your Google Photos account Once you have checked and are happy that you have all the photos you need please remove the originals from both your local computer, mobile device and University Google Drive.