The downright ugly polygonal visuals of Escape and Tales of Monkey Island have been replaced with a sort of Henry Selick aesthetic, like a living map populated by hinged paper dolls.

Of course, there have been clear upgrades. Yet while Return to Monkey Island is aware of what a relic it can feel like at times, it doesn’t seem that interested in evolving.

Unfitgirl.COM SEXY GAMES Return to Monkey Island Free Download Unfitgirl Many on Guybrush’s home of Melee Island don’t seem to remember him that well, and Threepwood remarks on a suspicious number of remodels in the town. Throughout the voyage, there are lots of fun meta jokes about how long it’s been since the last Monkey Island game. So Return follows Guybrush as he’s launched into a race with his constant nemesis, the ghost pirate LeChuck, to uncover the secret with the assistance of former-governor-turned-scurvy-activist Elaine Marley, who happens to also be Guybrush’s wife. Namely: “What actually was the Secret of Monkey Island?” Despite being the title of the first game, the titular secret was never actually revealed. It just decides to pick up on an unanswered question hanging in the series’ history. Though the game picks up after the events of Gilbert’s last entry, Monkey Island 2, Return doesn’t attempt to brush the non-Gilbert games out of the canon. So it is perhaps not surprising that the newest adventure for Guybrush Threepwood, mighty pirate, is most fixated on his own legacy. Return to Monkey Island Free Download Unfitgirl Return to Monkey Island marks the return of two of the three original series creators (Ron Gilbert and Dave Grossman are back, DoubleFine’s Tim Schafer is not). Return to Monkey Island Free Download Unfitgirl